
多样性 & 包容

The Office of 全球项目 is committed to helping all 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 students study abroad. We believe all students should have the opportunity to study abroad regardless of their background. Every student faces challenges when planning a trip and living abroad. Students may find that a number of factors influence their experience, 包括国籍, 种族和民族, 残疾, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 和其他人. 

We have compiled resources that can be used to help support your study abroad goals, 并在这里帮助实现这些目标. Letting us know about your specific concerns studying abroad will only help your experience while abroad. We will do whatever we can to ensure that you have a happy, safe, and rewarding time living abroad. 



If you have a 残疾, accommodations can be made in order for you to go abroad. 确保这一点的最大因素是尽早准备. Here are steps we encourage you to take as soon as possible: 

向留学顾问披露你的残疾情况. This will allow the advisor to immediately start making arrangements in advance for your trip.
去 澳门官方老葡京罗斯残疾人服务中心 和 麻省大学波士顿咨询中心. These centers are here for you to help students identity and access the most appropriate services for your situation. 
研究地点. Some cultures provide different accommodations for those with disabilities. Learn about accommodations in the host country and be flexible/open to alternative ways of accommodating your 残疾. Some programs/countries better support those with disabilities than others. Sufficient research and information is needed to make the right decisions to ensuring your 残疾 is accommodated for your time abroad. 
Think about how you will answer questions about your 残疾- learn key vocabulary words ahead of time. 



研究 your host country's cultural values and attitude toward women. 还要了解当地人对美国女性的态度. 有很多方法可以为你在国外的安全做计划.

Here are many resources if you are a woman going abroad:


Some countries and cultures are open to accepting LGBTIQ+ people, but in other places you may encounter staring or hostility. Some places where you openly display affection to your same-sex partner can put your physical safety at risk. 了解LGBTIQ+在你的东道国有哪些权利. Also research what kinds of behavior are considered appropriate for friendship and dating. 注意态度, 海关, and laws of your host country is vital for your safety and experience. There are many resources for LGBTIQ+ students studying abroad. 


成人学生必须问的问题来自哪里 海外多元化:成人留学

  • 我有工作吗?, 首页, and/or family obligations that prevent me from studying abroad for an extended period of time? 
  • 我的课程还会有其他成人学生吗? 
  • How old are the other students participating in my program? 
  • 我所在国家的人是如何看待成人学生的? 
  • What skills do I want to gain or improve while I’m abroad?

建议从 海外多元化:成人留学

  • Look into short term programs if you cannot afford to spend an extended period of time away from your family and can’t take too much time off work
  • 与其他在国外学习过的成年学生交谈. 
  • 有时你可能会觉得自己不适应, but remember not to isolate yourself from the rest of the group. 去了解别人,也让他们了解你. 
  • 研究 what people close to your age in the country you will be studying in 和 areas they may live. 例如,它们是否有效? 照顾他们的孩子和/或父母? 独自生活或与大家庭住在一起? 


"As a student traveling abroad you may be concerned about potential racial bias and prejudice without your usual support system. Or, you may be looking forward to being part of the majority population for the first time in your life. You may find that confronting and coping to a community with a different racial and ethnic makeup can be a learning experience." - Michigan State University's Michigan State University's 多样性 Abroad: Race and Ethnicity 

While abroad, you may first be identified as an American. They people you meet will likely have an opinion about the US and make assumptions based on your physical appearance. "If somebody says or does something that is offensive to you, try to distinguish between a person who is genuinely curious about you and your culture and someone who has bad intentions. You may find yourself in some uncomfortable situations, and always remember to put your safety first." - 国外的种族多样性 & 少数民族留学生 

Other resources to help you prepare for your study abroad trip as a racial or ethnic minority: 


Become familiar with the world's 宗教s and how religious diversity is understood across cultures. While abroad, you may encounter people of various 宗教s or people with non-religious backgrounds. It is important for you to understand your beliefs 和 beliefs of your host country in order to have a safe and meaningful experience abroad. 
